The Postbaccalaureate Curriculum
The curriculum consists of eight courses
The Postbaccalaureate Seminar (Greek/Latin UN3980), offered every fall semester, provides students opportunities to (re‑)familiarize themselves with a selection of major texts from classical antiquity, which will be read in English. Students will become better acquainted with scholarship on these texts and with scholarly writing in general as they write analytically about these texts and the interpretations of them found in contemporary scholarship. In addition, students will participate in small tutorials that focus on reading selected texts in either Greek or Latin. Led by members of the faculty, these tutorials will meet every week for an additional hour.
Five additional language courses in ancient Greek and/or Latin. To determine their placement in language courses, students take a diagnostic test during the department’s orientation event in the week before classes begin each semester, and then meet with the faculty adviser.
Two other language courses or courses offered by the Department of Classics under the listings for Classical Civilization or Classical Literature, or courses in related departments, such as Ancient History, Philosophy, Art History, Archaeology, Religion, and Political Science.
The Postbaccalaureate Seminar is open only to students in the Classics Certificate program. In all other courses, Classics Certificate students benefit from interaction with students pursuing graduate or undergraduate degrees at Columbia.