Study Abroad

Seeing the ancient sites and monuments is an important part of the study of antiquity, and there are a number of ways to acquire some familiarity with the physical remains of Greek and Roman civilization. The Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome offers in each term an excellent one-semester program, usually taken in the junior year, and the College Year in Athens offers a wide variety of courses ranging from language and literature to history, art, and archaeology. During the summer there are more options, including the outstanding Summer Sessions of the American School for Classical Studies in Athens. A listing of fieldwork opportunities is published annually by the Archaeological Institute of America.

Columbia runs its own archeological summer program at Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli. Contact Professor Francesco de Angelis.

Students wanting Columbia or Barnard credit for work done abroad should discuss their plans with the director of undergraduate studies at an early date to enable them to incorporate experience abroad most practically into their programs here.



For those less inclined to travel, a wide variety of Classics-related activities is usually available here in New York. Famous Classicists often come to give lectures at Columbia or other universities in the area, and numerous conferences and symposia are held during the academic year. Announcements of these events are posted on or near the door of 617 Hamilton and on the calendar on the Departmental webpage. Students may also be interested in the activities sponsored by the New York Classical Club (which include translation and oral reading competitions offering significant amounts of prize money). Information on such opportunities is posted on the bulletin board opposite 614 Hamilton.