Jazmin novoa lara

Graduate Student


610 Hamilton Hall

Office Hours: Fridays 10 a.m.–11 a.m. or by appointment


  • Greek and Roman philosophy

  • Ancient medicine, especially Galen's works

  • Classical reception in Latin America

  • Comparative studies

Jazmín earned her BA in Classical Philology (2017) and MA in Philosophy (2020) from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. Her master thesis focused on the epistemological, ontological, and ethical implications of Galen’s Quod animi mores. Jazmín argued for an embodied and ensouled self as a conceptual possibility for articulating different and conflicting psychological and physiological phenomena in the context of Galen’s work. Before joining the Ph.D. program at Columbia University, Jazmín completed her MA in Classical Studies (2022) at the Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, with an interdisciplinary research project that studied how and why ancient arts represented the human, body, and soul.

Jazmín is fascinated by questions of how identities relate to bodies. Thus, her main interests lie in exploring how ancient authors and artists assembled individual and social identities by offering accounts of body and soul. All of which leads to further questions about the importance of ideologies, modes of subjection, and power relations for the art of the body in antiquity and its modern interpretations and uses. In this context, her interests are now focused on how contemporary Latin American art receives, resists, and/or transforms classical traditions on body depiction.