Title: "Healing Choruses and Therapeutic Landscapes of Roman Greece"
Abstract: In this talk, Dr. Golab introduces the corpus of epigraphic choral lyric and explores the dynamics between literary inscriptions and performance. She establishes that there was a ‘paianic revival’ in the Roman Empire—a poetic trend most vividly present in the epigraphic medium. The reasons for the revival were manifold, but in this talk, Dr. Golab focuses on the intersections of ancient ideas about song, epigraphy, and healthy environment. She demonstrates that the inscribed paians were a part of a more widespread effort to create therapeutic landscapes in Roman Greece.
Hanna Golab (Columbia University) will give her talk entitled "Healing Choruses and Therapeutic Landscapes of Roman Greece." Dr. Golab's talk will take place on Friday, November 10th, at 4:10 PM EST in Hamilton 603 and on Zoom.
If you would like to receive a Zoom link, please email Melody Wauke (maw2277@columbia.edu). The link will be sent the day before the event.
Our speaker has kindly agreed to pre-circulate an abstract, pasted below. A poster for the event is also attached to the bottom of this email.