2025 Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting

We are proud that Columbia Classics made quite an impact at the 2025 Society of Classical Studies (SCS) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia; faculty and graduate students of the Classics Department submitted papers and participated in panels.  Below is a breakdown of our representation at the conference.

SCS 2025 Columbia University


  1. Melody Wauke (PhD Candidate)
    Fictive Kinship through Rhetorical Training in Philostratus and Lucian

  2. Marissa Swan (PhD Candidate)
    The Animalization of Imperial Bodies: Lactantius and the Tetrarchic Emperors

  3. Geoffrey Harmsworth (PhD Candidate)
    Plutarch, Dio Chrysostom, and the Punditry Sphere in the Roman-era Polis

  4. José Cancino Alfaro (PhD Candidate)
    Indigenous voices? Four cantiunculae of a Machi in Bernard Havestadt’s Chilidugu (1777)

  5. Elizabeth Heintges (PhD Candidate)
    Missive Missiles: Inscribed Sling Bullets and Communication in the Late Republic

  6. Riley Parker (Undergraduate, Classics)
    Exiled by Fate: Memory and National Identity in Aeneid VIII

  7. Kit Pyne-Jaeger (PhD Student, English and Comp-Lit)
    Styling Queerness and Decorating Time: J.W. Waterhouse and Ovid’s Metamorphoses


  1. Joseph Howley (Assoc. Professor of Classics, Columbia) - Labor Panel

  2. Kristina Milnor (Professor of Classics, Barnard) - Co-organizer of the Queer Families in the Ancient Mediterranean World Panel (Lambda Classical Caucus)

  3. Valeria Spacciante (PhD Candidate) and Umberto Verdura (PhD Student) - Roundtable: Ancient Narrative Interest Group [based on the roundtable, this will be a consistent paper panel going forward for future SCS conferences]