The Douglas Gardner Caverly Prize in Classics was established in 1994 in memory of Douglas Gardner Caverly, Class of 1968, by his family and friends. It is awarded annually for outstanding performance by a graduating Columbia College major.

Award Amount (Spring 2025): $2,000, to be awarded to one student.


This prize is awarded annually to an undergraduate student (from any division) for excellence in sight translation of passages of Greek and Latin. It was established in memory of Mortimer Lamson Earle, Class of 1886, lecturer and Professor in the Department of Greek and Latin.

 Award Amount (Spring 2025): $3,000, and can be awarded to up to 2 students.


Established in 1922, this gift of Benjamin F. Romaine provides to a Columbia College student (noting that only CC students are eligible) a prize for proficiency in Greek language and literature.

 Award Amount (Spring 2025): $300


Established in 2007 by Dr. Richard A. Brooks and Dr. Eva Stadler Brooks, whose father, Ernest Stadler, had a lifelong commitment to the study of classical antiquity, this prize may be awarded annually to a graduating senior of Columbia College who is judged by the faculty to have demonstrated academic excellence through coursework and the writing of a senior essay on some aspect of the history or culture of the classical world.

 Award Amount (Spring 2025): $4,000 and can be awarded to up 2 students

Undergraduate Latin Fund

The terms of this endowment are as follows:

“The endowment payout from the Fund shall be used to support current undergraduate students pursuing research or summer study exclusively related to Latin language and literature. Columbia undergraduate students are eligible to receive support regardless of major or level of study.”

Approximate annual endowment: $2,500 which may be divided among multiple applicants.

Commager Fund

The terms of this endowment stipulate that,

“Income to be used for a fellowship for an undergraduate or graduate student in the School of Arts and Sciences for research, travel, or study during the summer. Between candidates of equal merits, preference is given to a student specializing in Latin.”

Approximate annual endowment: $3,000 which may be divided among multiple applicants.

How to Apply:

To apply for either (or both) of these funds, please submit a proposal including a brief, one-page description of your planned course of study, a budget, and a timeline. Email the proposal to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Classics