New York Classical Club Greek and Latin Reading Contest
Saturday, 5 April 2025, 2 pm
***Back in person!***
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 15 E. 84th St.
Can you rhapsodize like Homer or orate like Cicero? Come and compete against other Greek and Latin enthusiasts and win these prizes:
Prizes for the Oral Reading of Greek: 1st: $300; 2nd: $200; 3rd: $100.
Prizes for the Oral Reading of Latin: 1st: $300; 2nd: $200; 3rd: $100.
Any college or university student is eligible to compete. Contestants may compete for both the Greek and Latin prizes or for either one. Memorization is not required; feel free to read from a script.
Choose one of the following passages:
Greek: Plato, Apology 41c7 (Ἀλλὰ καὶ ...) to d9 (... μέμφεσθαι) OR Homer, Iliad 9.406-420
Latin: Cicero, First Catilinarian 32-33 OR Catullus 3
To register, please e-mail Katharina Volk ( by March 29th.