Richard Neer (U Classical Dialogue: Chicago, Art History) and Leslie Kurke (Berkeley, Dept. of Greek & Roman Studies)
Friday, February 23, 2024 11:00 am ET
509 Hamilton Hall, Department of Classics, 1130 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, 10027
(co-sponsored with Classics): Richard Neer (U Chicago, Art History) and Leslie Kurke (Berkeley, Dept. of Greek & Roman Studies) will discuss Pindar, Song, and Space: Towards a Lyric Archaeology (Johns Hopkins, 2019).
This in-person event has an author-meets-readers format. We are circulating in advance "The Propinquity of Things (Introduction), an excerpt from "Two Spatial Technologies: The Map and the Chorus" (Chapter 1), and "Epigraphy, Architecture, Song: Olympian 6 and Other Gifts" (Chapter 7) to prepare for the conversation (please see them attached).
After an introduction by Professor Ioannis Mylonopoulos (CU Department of Art History and Archaeology), Profs. Neer and Kurke will discuss the book, engage in dialogue with Margaret Corn (CLST) and Brett Stine (Department of Classics), and answer questions from attendees in a seminar-style format.
A short reception will follow the event. We hope that you can join us!