Departmental Life

Students in the Post-baccalaureate Program in Classics join a close-knit community of undergraduate majors, graduate students, and faculty in the Department of Classics. They are encouraged to attend the department’s regular colloquium series and the University Seminar in Classical Studies, as well as special lectures by visiting scholars, conferences, and other events that are sponsored by the Department of Classics, the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean, and the University. They often participate in the production of the Greek and Latin Play, and are also urged to take advantage of the rich and diverse cultural life of New York City, where performances of ancient dramas at professional theaters and on local college campuses are regularly featured events. The department maintains a calendar of events at the university and elsewhere in New York City on the home page of its website; additional information and links pertaining to specific colloquia and lecture series are available at

Research resources in the department and the university, including access and borrowing privileges at the university’s libraries, are also at the disposal of students enrolled in the post-baccalaureate program.